End Summer School 2017 Sendai, Japan

PurposeWe are pleased to announce that the 8th Maintenance Science Summer School will be held this summer. This event is organized by Institute of Fluid Science Tohoku University, Tohoku University Program for Fundamental Research and Human Resources Development towards Nuclear Decommissioning, and the Japan Society of Maintenology. The summer school aims at providing participants with the opportunity to learn practice and theory for the maintenance activities of nuclear power plants. It also intends to the friendship exchange of students and young researchers in Asian countries. We expect participations of graduate students especially who eager to learn the maintenance activity from academic point of view, and contribute to the enhancement of maintenance of nuclear power plants in a future.
SponsorJapan Society of Maintenology
Period 2017/07/27~2017/08/01
Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, Japan
〒980-0812 宮城県仙台市青葉区片平2丁目1−1

Lectures, Discussion and Presentations, Laboratory visits, Nuclear power plant visit and Free activities

HOW TO APPLY Please complete the attached application form and forward it to Ms. Fukuhara of Tohoku University by email
CAPACITY 30 students