Exhibition and Advertisement

We sincerely are seeking exhibitors in the conference site, and advertisements in the conference proceedings. If you consider them, please check the followings.

1. Exhibition

The conference has 11 exhibition stands in Centennial Hall. Exhibitors can demonstrate their products to conference participants for the duration of the conference.
Exhibition information (in Japanese)
Exhibition application form (in Japanese)

2. Advertisement

The conference proceedings has advertisement pages. The next file includes details and an application form.
Advertisement information (in Japanese)

If you need more information, please contact us in japanese or english.

ICMST2014 Secretariat
Address: c/o Japan Society of Maintenology,
2-7-17-10 Ikenohata, Taito, Tokyo, Japan
Email: icmst2014 [atmark] jsm.or.jp (Replace [atmark] with @.)